World of Health Care 2024

25 Sept 2024 | Rotterdam, Netherlands

ProductUpdated on 25 July 2024

Customized malignant and adjacent normal tissue samples in various forms

Soma Chatterjee

Vice President & Head of Biobank at Sapien Biosciences Private Limited

Hyderabad, India


Sapien is among the top 10 biobanks in the world, partnered with the pan-India chain of Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals. We can work with you to address the gap of less than 5% of genomic data being from Asia. India is the world's 2nd most populous country with high geographical, environmental, and dietary diversity. Sapien is a multi-disease, multi-hospital biobank with 9 years of providing high-quality samples to global pharma in NCDs (cancer, autoimmune, psoriasis, CKD, IBD, NASH, etc) along with normal samples. We can start rare diseases biobanking.

We have built a collection of >60,000 annotated cancer patient samples, in various formats such as FFPE blocks, flash-frozen tissue, live cancer cells, matched plasma/serum, and PBMCs.

Looking for

  • Distribution Partner

Applies to

  • Biotech and Lifescience
  • Medtech


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