Fast-forward Plant-based Food Symposium 2025

27 May 2025 | Copenhagen , Denmark


Participants - All

Participant search result

Innovation Manager

Aarhus, Denmark


PhD student

Copenhagen, Denmark


Head of Business Relations

Copenhagen, Denmark

Vegetarian Society of Denmark 


Copenhagen, Denmark

OceanWide Seaweed 

Co-founder of OceanWide Seaweed - Creating a greener future through seaweed

Co-founder of OceanWide Seaweed - Creating a greener future through seaweed


Copenhagen, Denmark

OceanWide Seaweed 

Co-founder of OceanWide Seaweed. Trying to add the Danish seaweed industry on the international map

Co-founder of OceanWide Seaweed. Trying to add the Danish seaweed industry on the international map

Head of Energy and Sustainability programs

Copenhagen, Denmark


Innovation Lead

Lund, Sweden

Lund University 

Looking for collaboration on research across Øresund with Lund University

Looking for collaboration on research across Øresund with Lund University

innovation consultant

Copenhagen, Denmark


Senior advicer and coordinator

Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark


I'm the manager of the UCPH Green Solutions Centre Plante-Based Living Lab, and also UCPH ambassador for Plant2Food

I'm the manager of the UCPH Green Solutions Centre Plante-Based Living Lab, and also UCPH ambassador for Plant2Food

Innovation Business Manager

Madrid, Spain

Futuro Perfecto 

Futuro Perfecto is a team of engineers, PhDs and Deeptech professionals from 10+ countries. We support startups in their pursuit to get public and private funds

Futuro Perfecto is a team of engineers, PhDs and Deeptech professionals from 10+ countries. We support startups in their pursuit to get public and private funds

Asst. Prof

Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Copenhagen 

I design microbial consortia that work together as a team, for applications in agriculture & food fermentation.

I design microbial consortia that work together as a team, for applications in agriculture & food fermentation.


Copenhagen, Denmark

Plantebaseret Videnscenter 

I am leading the Network for Future Plant Proteins, which has 260 members from 170 different organisations in Denmark across the plant-based value chain.

I am leading the Network for Future Plant Proteins, which has 260 members from 170 different organisations in Denmark across the plant-based value chain.

Researcher at KU contributing to CLEVERFOOD’s work on citizen engagement, innovation, and impact investing. Teach an MSc course on carbon/true-cost accounting.

Researcher at KU contributing to CLEVERFOOD’s work on citizen engagement, innovation, and impact investing. Teach an MSc course on carbon/true-cost accounting.

81 results


Organisation Types

Areas of Activity


Food & Health

Raw material

Refinery & processing